The safest and easiest way to securely store
your Verge.
Our vergePay wallets are extensively tested, secured, and easy to use.
Verge provides an easy to use platform which enables everyday users to be able to transact quickly and efficiently across a blockchain based network.
Verge is an open source project with an active team of developers from all over the world. The development team is always in close contact with the community. Verge is not a private company funded through an ICO or premining.
Low fees, quick transactions, high volume in circulation, multiplatform support, Wraith Protocol are the ingredients that make Verge perfectly positioned for mass adoption.
Dual-Key Stealth Addressing enable our users to be able to send and receive payments safely and privately.
Verge Currency provides the list of wallets below for your information, but does not endorse nor support their usage. There is always a trade-off between convenience and security. Research thoroughly before using any wallet or solution.