Telegram Bot Manual

  1. Add Verge Bot to your channel: search for @VergeX_bot in Telegram, click "Add to group" and choose your group channel.
  2. Display your Verge Telegram address: send "!address" as a direct message to the bot.
  3. Deposit Coins: send XVG coins to the address provided.
  4. Check Balance: send "!balance" as a direct message and see your balance in the reply.
  5. Send Coins Over Telegram: send "!tip @" in the group chat.
  6. Withdraw Telegram Wallet Balance: send "!withdraw " as a Direct Message to withdraw your whole wallet balance (minus 2 XVG withdrawal fee) to your Verge address.
  7. See Terms: send "!terms" to display terms and conditions for using Verge Telegram Bot.